Local Government Officials San Pedro, CA – Los Angeles Harbor

San Pedro Municipal Bldg

San Pedro, California is a community that is politically involved! There are many local committees and advisory groups. We have three Neighborhood Councils. The former Councilwoman for the 15th District and now Supervisor Janice Hahn, and her brother James Hahn, the former Mayor of Los Angeles, live, worship, shop, and play in San Pedro. Many residents of San Pedro know who their local, state and federal officials and representatives are. We vote! Please use the links below to keep in touch with your officials and representatives. Let us know if there is anything you would like added.

California offers online registration. It is very fast and easy to register to vote. Make a difference. Vote!

City of Los Angeles Officials


Mayor Karen Bass
200 N. Spring Street
Room 303
Los Angeles, CA 90012

San Pedro Municipal Building
638 South Beacon Street
Suite 301
San Pedro, CA 90731
Fax: 310-732-4647

Council District 15

Tim McOsker
200 North Spring Street,
Room 435
Los Angeles, CA 90012

District Offices:

San Pedro Office
638 S. Beacon Street
Suite 552
San Pedro, CA 90731

Los Angeles City Attorney

Hydee Feldstein Soto
800 City Hall East
200 N. Main Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012

Los Angeles City Controller

Kenneth Mejia
200 N. Spring Street
Suite 300
Los Angeles, CA 90012

Neighborhood Councils

Central San Pedro Neighborhood Council
Meetings – Second Tuesday of each month at 6:30 P.M.
Port of Los Angeles High School
250 W. 5th St., San Pedro, CA 90731
Phone: 310-918-8650

Coastal San Pedro Neighborhood Council
Meetings – Third Monday of each month at 6:30 P.M.
Cabrillo Marina Community Building
The Plaza at Cabrillo Marina, 224 Whalers Walk, San Pedro, CA 90731
Phone: 310-290-0049

Northwest San Pedro Neighborhood Council
Meetings – Second Monday of each month at 6:30 P.M.
Peck Park Auditorium
560 N. Western Avenue, San Pedro, CA
Phone: 310-918-8650

County of Los Angeles Officials

Supervisor 4th District

Janice Hahn
822 Kenneth Hahn Hall of Administration
500 West Temple Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012

District Office:
302 West 5th Street, #204
San Pedro, CA 90731
Fax: 310-732-7927

Los Angeles County Sheriff

Sheriff Robert Luna
Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department
Hall of Justice
211 W. Temple Street
Los Angeles, California 90012


Los Angeles Community College District 

Board of Trustees 

770 Wilshire Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90017

Los Angeles Harbor College Website
1111 Figueroa Place
Wilmington, CA 90744

Los Angeles Unified School District
Board of Education

333 South Beaudry Avenue, 24th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90017

Board Member 7th District – Tanya Ortiz Franklin
333 South Beaudry Avenue, 24th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90017

State of California Officials


Governor Gavin Christopher Newsom
State Capitol, Suite 9000
Sacramento, CA 95814
Fax: 559-558-3160

State Senate, 35th District

Senator Laura Richardson
San Pedro District Office
302 W. 5th, Suite 203
San Pedro, CA 90731
Phone: 310-514-8573
Office Hours: M, W, Th – 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.

State Assembly, 66th District

Assemblymember Al Muratsuchi
3424 West Carson Street
Suite 450
Torrance, CA 90503310-375-0691

Federal Officials


President Donald J. Trump
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, D.C. 20500

Vice President

Vice President J. D. Vance
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, D.C. 20500


U.S. Senator Adam Schiff
112 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510

U.S. Senator Alex Padilla
B03 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510

House of Representatives, 44th District

Congresswoman Nanette Diaz Barragán
1320 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, D. C. 20515

District Office
302 West 5th Street, Suite 201
San Pedro, CA 90731
Phone: 310-831-1799
Fax: 310-831-1885